Does it mean that you’ve got an infestation if you see a single mouse in your home? Well, technically, there’s a chance for you to see a mouse when it first gets into your home and have it be the only one there. You can catch that single mouse and your issue will be over in this ideal scenario.
The truth is that the possibility of it being one mouse in your home is extremely small. Mice live in family settings that are made up of their young, 1-2 females and 1 dominant male. It won’t move in alone when a mouse gets into your home.
Unluckily, the issues do not stop there. Mice are extremely productive. The females can breed around 10 times every year, giving birth to up to 6 mice with every litter. Aside from that, every female baby is able to reproduce 6 weeks after birth. This means that even if only several mice get into your home, their family will rapidly increase.
So how can you tell if your home has a mice infestation? Obviously, seeing a mouse is a definite indication that mice have gotten into your home. If this is the case, contact Memphis pest control right away. But, mice are great at hiding and there’s a possibility that you’ll find other indications of their presence.
It is a definite indication of a mouse infestation if you find a nest made out of different things and tucked into an out of the way area.
Whenever it is out in the open, a mouse sticks close to the walls. They leave greasy marks on the walls with their bodies as they run around. It is an indication of an infestation if you find these marks on the walls.
It is an indication of a mouse infestation if you hear squeaking or scratching noises inside the ceilings or walls
A mouse might have put them there if you begin finding jagged holes in the packaging of your food items.
Everywhere they go, mice leave feces. Their droppings are dark, small, and shaped like a rice grain. You are probably going to find them on your countertops, in cabinets, and cupboards.
Getting Rid of a Mouse Infestation
It isn’t easy to eliminate a mouse infestation on your own. Usually, it results in more issues. First, there is a high possibility of getting injured during the job. Next, DIY approaches to mouse control hardly get rid of the whole infestation. You might lower their numbers temporarily. However, there will still be mice present.
You require a comprehensive rodent control instead. These professionals have a rodent control process that has been created to efficiently and safely get rid of the mice in your home. They’ve got professional pest control technicians who are experts at recognizing where the mice are in your home and how they are gaining access. They will seal the access points and utilize rodent control techniques to get rid of the infestation. To guarantee the whole infestation has been removed, they will also do follow-ups.
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